Famous Quotes: “Customers will never love a company, unless it’s employees love it first” – Simon Sinek

Customers will never love a company, unless it’s employees love it first” – Simon Sinek. This is a wise saying from famous author and keynote speaker, Simon Sinek, which captures the value of staff, how important it is to feel like part of an extended family, to feel that their opinion matters, to work in a business where the terms 'recognition', 'reward' and 'advancement' are meaningful.


Unfortunately, this is something most companies don't understand. They put the customer first, when they should be putting the employee, their "partner" first. Customers come and go, but employees are supposed to stay longer. 


In customer service seminars, what I always tell senior managers is that they should treat staff like they treat customers. Actually, they are their internal customers!!! No customer service training program will ever succeed if the staff, especially the frontline staff, are not satisfied with their job or they just don't care. Because, this dissatisfaction or indifference will sooner or later come out to the customer, who in turn will not love your company.

Related articles to read: What is internal marketing {alertInfo}

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